Category: Curator

ArtMoves Podcast 12 – artist and curator Kiki Serna

ArtMoves Podcast 12 – artist and curator Kiki Serna

In this episode, we speak with artist, curator, and champion of the immigrant experience, Kiki Serna.  Listen along, as she so eloquently immerses us into her world, both with her poignant art and her thought-provoking words.

Leaving other jobs, she has now taken a leap of faith to focus just on her art, and she’s had an inspiring path to this point …imagine being a wide-eyed 7-year-old seeing the grand Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art for the first time, then one day showing your own artwork there!  The stories of some of her experiences in this country may tug at your heart, but you will feel all the better for having heard them.

ArtMoves Podcast 10 – artist and curator Kaitlyn B Jones

ArtMoves Podcast 10 – artist and curator Kaitlyn B Jones

New to town, Kaitlyn B. Jones brings with her a vitality and purpose that are energizing just to listen to!  Hear about her role at the Mid-America Arts Alliance, and her trajectory as a collaborative artist and curator.  Some of her clever work will open our eyes, and minds.

ArtMoves Podcast 9 – Artist, Curator, and Poet Glenn North

ArtMoves Podcast 9 – Artist, Curator, and Poet Glenn North

A beacon of hope and quiet strength is what you might call Glenn North.  Or… lauded poet, community leader, facilitator and curator of the arts, and an artist in his own right…. the list goes on for this man of many talents. So how fortunate it is that ArtMoves was able to spend time with him.

On this episode, we hear about several inspiring upcoming projects, and gain some of his insight about art, race, and how to handle adversity with grace. Throughout, he shares interesting stories and some of his beautiful poetry, which may take your breath away.

Guaranteed you will leave this conversation having at least a slight redirection in your point of view.

ArtMoves Podcast 5 – museum director and curator JoAnne Northrup

ArtMoves Podcast 5 – museum director and curator JoAnne Northrup

Only a year into her new post as Executive Director and Chief Curator at the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art at JCCC in Overland Park, KS, JoAnne Northrup is already accomplishing great things, and inspires us to take a fresh look at the Nerman.

Listen in to hear her thoughts, and to find out what’s in store for the future!

ArtMoves Podcast 4 – artist and catalyst Cesar Lopez

ArtMoves Podcast 4 – artist and catalyst Cesar Lopez

Meet Cesar Lopez, an artist with such an interesting path, and who now finds balance between showing his own creations, and helping to foster the growth of other artists.  He does the latter by serving as the exhibition coordinator at the artist-run Curiouser & Curiouser space in Kansas City, KS.  He is also a board member for the artist-run Plug Gallery.  Sensing a theme here?

Listen in to our conversation with this talented and insightful man, who connects some interesting thoughts about visual art and where it’s headed.

ArtMoves Podcast 3 – curator Kimi Kitada

ArtMoves Podcast 3 – curator Kimi Kitada

Have you wondered what it really means to be a curator? There are some misconceptions about it.

And how might a curator be an advocate for someone who wants to start understanding and collecting art?

In this episode we delve into these questions with Kimi Kitada, the current Jedel Family Foundation Curatorial Fellow at Charlotte Street Foundation in Kansas City. She fills us in on what we need to know, and what she’s been up to in her current role. She also gives some thoughts about the next generation of curators.

Listening to her, you can’t help but be inspired by her energy and her infectious enthusiasm for Art!